Consulting Tycoon Podcast: Digital Marketing Consulting | Agency Growth Secrets | Freelance Tips | H

Consulting Tycoon Podcast: Digital Marketing Consulting | Agency Growth Secrets | Freelance Tips | H

Get Better Local SEO Rankings Using Images

August 15, 2011

One way to kick up your local search optimization game is through beefing up the local signal through images. There are a few techniques for doing this — read on for details.
Incorporating images as part of your overall content mix is a good idea for search optimization in and of itself. Images can provide additional opportunities for keyword signals on a page, and they represent good opportunities for ranking in search results under Universal Search.
But, if they’re also associated with places properly, they can convey additional location signals, helping a business and/or its website to be considered even more relevant for local searches.


Optimizing your client's local search rankings is one of the most powerful strategies you can implement for getting a "quick win" and in many markets can bring the bulk of your leads. This guide on using images to enhance local rankings will put you light years ahead of what 99% of local marketers are doing.... and in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.


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