Connected Comedy

Connected Comedy

Connected Comedy Podcast Episode 30: Do Whatever You Want, Just Do It Well

March 13, 2013

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On the “back from the red carpet†episode of the podcast, Jordan Cooper, Chelcie Rice and Josh Homer welcome the return of Josh Spector as he gives a brief recap of his work behind the scenes overseeing social media on Hollywood’s biggest event, and shares what comedians can learn from his experience. Plus, we discuss how Twitter reach will soon be incorporated into television ratings, how the laws of supply and demand affect the talent level required to succeed, and whether or not stand-up is even the best way to break into comedy nowadays.

In addition, we finally announce the winner of our Christmas giveaway, why money is better spent on production rather than promotion, and what the best uses of $100 should entail when investing into a comedy career.

Links from this episode:

Why Every Comedian Should Pay Attention To The New Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings [Connected Comedy]

Twitter Reaction to Events Often at Odds with Overall Public Opinion [Pew Research Center]

Content marketing is journalism’s next big revenue threat [INMA]

You Had To Be There Podcast

CC Podcast Episode 26: What Would You Do With $100?

A Breakdown Of A Clever Comedy Stunt [Connected Comedy]




Amanda Palmer and the Art of Asking

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