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All Weddings For a Living Podcasts

Wedding Guest Seating – WFAL399

November 03, 2016

Here’s a basic overview of seating wedding guests at the wedding reception.
Wedding Guest Seating Stationery
When it comes to seating your client’s wedding guests, at the very least you’ll need:

* An alphabetized list of attending guest names
* Escort cards with each guest name and table assignment in alphabetical order
* Place cards (if applicable) with guest names
* Table signs (with either numbers or table names) for each table and a corresponding room layout
* Seating chart(s) (if applicable)

Keep in Mind:

* You need your clients’ input to determine where guests should be seated at the wedding reception
* Wedding guest seating arrangements are made during the final part of the wedding planning process – allow yourself enough time…you have lots to do!
* Wedding guests are not likely to spend more than an hour and 15 minutes (give or take) seated together at a table.
* Do whatever you can to avoid a bottleneck at the entrance to the main wedding reception room.
