Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Tech Talk Roundtable 07-02 | How Do You Take Your PD?

March 01, 2020


You step up to the counter to order your Professional Development.  “Will your learning be here or take-away? Would you like a hot apple pie with that?”  On Today’s Podcast we tackle the persistent question: What is better professional development - Online or Face to Face?  Do you have an opinion? I know some of us do. Join us as we argue the finer points of each and see which one comes out on top when the dust settles.

Lessons Learned

Chris - Empathy and compassion are not synonymous, at least not in the realm of psychology. Having empathy means having a kindred emotional reaction to another person’s emotional state. Compassion is a choice, not an emotion. Compassion is choosing to take positive action in order to assist another person. It comes very close to the concept of “agape” love.

Daniel - We default to what we know - Spreadsheets example

Dennis - iPhone Camera Setting - If you’ve updated your iOS recently, know that “High Efficiency” is not as efficient as “Most Compatible”.

Fun Fact

Ice cubes will be clearer if you fill the tray with warm rather than cold water.  Warm water prevents the formation and entrapment of tiny air bubbles during the freezing process which, aside from mineral impurities, is the usual cause of cloudy ice cubes.

(SOURCE: The Book of Strange Facts and Useless Information by Scot Morris)

Notes & Links

  • Face to Face (Connect People/If you want to know the “Why”)

    • Relational/Social

    • Serendipitous

    • Inspirational

    • Re-energizing

    • Focused

    • More energizing if it is something you CHOOSE rather than something mandatory

  • Online (Find Solution/If you want to know the “How”)

    • Isolating

    • Specific Purpose/Objective

    • Task Oriented

    • Deep Dive

    • Easily Distracted

