Concordia Lutheran Church Sermons

Concordia Lutheran Church Sermons

Latest Episodes

Sermon May 26 2019 — Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 26, 2019

Troublefreed AS WE GATHER The troubles of the world confront us every day — troubles in the news, troubles in our families, troubles within ourselves, troubles at work or at school. Jesus knows the world. So He said to His disciples,

Sermon May 19 2019 — Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 19, 2019

In God’s Way AS WE GATHER The season of Easter is the time of great surprises in the Church. God’s people discover that He has a new way of relating to everyone that spills over into the very way we relate to one another.

Sermon May 12 2019 — Fourth Sunday of Easter
May 12, 2019

Good Shepherd Sunday AS WE GATHER Jesus the Good Shepherd is the familiar theme of the Fourth Sunday of Easter. He is our Good Shepherd because He lays down His life for us. We are His sheep because we hear His voice, and by the power of the Spirit,

Sermon May 5 2019 — Third Sunday of Easter
May 05, 2019

Teaching How to Fish and How to Shepherd AS WE GATHER God’s Word is always effective; we cannot truly hear it and remain as we were. What a revelation! Today’s Scripture Readings all reflect this truth. In Acts, Saul,

Sermon April 28 2019 — Second Sunday of Easter
April 28, 2019

Sow Much To Celebrate AS WE GATHER Easter changes everything. Without the resurrection of Jesus, we have no hope; we have no true peace; we have no forgiven life now nor the eternal life assured. Easter changes everything!

Sermon April 21 2019 — The Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord
April 21, 2019

New Life, Given to All AS WE GATHER On this day Jesus rose from death but did not simply return to heaven. First, His angelic messengers reminded the women at the tomb what He had said. And then our Lord appeared to several of His followers throughout ...

Sermon April 10 2019 — Lenten Service
April 10, 2019

Here’s Pastor Mark’s sermon from this evening’s Lenten Service. At the end he also provides a very nice summary of the upcoming Holy Week services.

Patriotic Picnic Sermon July 2
July 02, 2017

Pastor Mark provided a message for our children and a sermon for us all. If you missed it, here’s the recording.

He’s Back! Here’s Pastor Mark’s Sermon for Sunday, June 25
June 25, 2017

Pastor Mark is back in town. Don’t miss his Sunday sermon.

Father’s Day Sermon — June 18 2017
June 18, 2017

Pastor Nelson provided our sermon this morning. In case you missed it, here’s the recording.