Commentary: Trek Stars: The Work of Star Trek Creators Outside of Star Trek

Commentary: Trek Stars: The Work of Star Trek Creators Outside of Star Trek

Commentary: Trek Stars 155: Second-Run D-Box

October 23, 2015

Bloch & Stefano, Part 4: Psycho Comparison. You never know what might happen while recording a podcast. Your cat might run by and rip setup and rip your external hard drive out of your laptop. You might crack a tooth on a Nutri-Grain Bar. Or you might have to drive across town to purchase Star Wars tickets. If you're lucky, you will capture the unexpected on mic. Such is the case on this episode of Commentary: Trek Stars. Mike and John try to recap their look at Psycho by comparing Robert Bloch's novel to Joseph Stefano's screenplay. But in the process, tickets for Star Wars: Episode VII--The Force Awakens went on sale. This podcast is the result. Running Time: 59 minutes 19 seconds Hosts Mike Schindler and John Mills Editor and Producer Mike Schindler Executive Producers Charlynn Schmiedt, Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, and C Bryan Jones Associate Producer Become one! Support and Commentary: Trek Stars at the $25/month level or plus! Visit Production Manager Richard Marquez Content Manager Will Nguyen Chapters Psycho (00:01:15) Star Wars (00:07:02) The Trailer (00:34:45) Psycho Again (00:43:22) Wrap-up (00:50:29) Send us your feedback! Twitter: @trekfm Facebook: Voicemail: Contact Form: Subscribe in iTunes: Support the Network! Become a Patron on Patreon and help us keep Star Trek talk coming every week. We have great perks for you at
