Columbia Christian Fellowship

Columbia Christian Fellowship

Latest Episodes

"Burkina Promise Update"
November 17, 2019

 Text: Matt. 28:19 "...make disciples of all nations" with emphasis on  "all nations" -part of fulfilling The Great Commission is this mandate to go to all nations. other nations than our own...this is huge in our denomination...the CMA  (Christian and M.

''The Grand Finale''
November 10, 2019

Text: Matt.28:18-20  Title: "The Grand Finale" the last sermon of the red letter series -go and make disciples -we will explain and call for renewed commitment to this "great commission/assignment" of Jesus to His followers

"It's All Over...The Final Judgement"
October 27, 2019

This week:  Text: Matt. 25:31-46 "But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, He will sit on His on His glorious throne"  Theme: This is it. It's all over. The events of human history and the second coming are completed. What remains is The Final Judgeme.

"Don't Get Caught Off Guard"
October 20, 2019

  Theme: "people didn't realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them away...that's the way it will be when the Son of Man returns..." many will be caught off guard -we will explain the sequence of Jesus coming and how even though .

"A World Gone Bad"
October 13, 2019

Text: Matt 24:37 Theme: another truth related to the Second Coming of Christ, The Return of Christ: "When the Son of Man returns it will be like it was in the days of Noah"...we will try to explain what was it like in the days of Noah...and see if there .

"When Jesus Returns..."
October 06, 2019

Text: Matt. 24:32-51   Theme: We will look at further information Jesus gives related to the end times/His return.  -One thing in particular..."this generation will not pass off the scene until Jesus Returns'...who is "this generation?"  

"The End Has Come"
September 29, 2019

Text: Matt. 24:29-31   Theme: wow, that title has an ominous ring to it (grin); -in this passage Jesus depicts the end of the world, the literal end of human history as we have known it since Gen. 3. -my intention is simply to try and explain what Jesus .

September 22, 2019

This week   Special Speaker: Josh O'Dell:   Text: selected Scriptures   Title: "Faith"   Theme: the importance and results of faith in our lives

"The Abomination of Desolation"
September 15, 2019

  This week:   Text: Matt. 24:15-28 Theme: what does that even  mean...that's what I am going to try and explain Sunday 

"The worst of the Worst"
September 08, 2019

This week:   Text: Matt. 24:15-28   Theme: a treatise of that period of time in human history Scripture refers to as "The Tribulation" -Jesus predicts the time of the tribulation as a time of extreme trouble, distress and hardship for the inhabitants of .
