Columbia Christian Fellowship

Columbia Christian Fellowship

Latest Episodes

"Maintain the Unity"
March 03, 2024

we'll discuss in depth the importance of unityin thechurch

"Be Patient"
February 25, 2024

: Eph. 4:1-6 emphasises the importance of relationships n thechurch and how we are to treat one another-it is a powerful deterrent to Satan's schemes and a powerful witnessforChrist when we treat

"Character Traits of a Hero" Josh O'Dell
February 18, 2024

: a look at true biblical "heroes"-what they're like,...what they do-their character and their conduct

: "Be Gentle"
February 11, 2024

: to live a life worthy of our calling we are to "be gentle"-it's somewhat different than our understanding of the english word gently-this word means "power under control" :restrained"

"It's All About The Church"
February 04, 2024

: Living life worthy of our calling begins with our relationships in the church-a teachingon theimportance of the church

"A Propers Understanding"
January 28, 2024

last week Paul begged the Ephesian believers to live up to their calling-this week he begins detailingwhat that entails-first thing is a proper understanding of who we are

"Now That You Know"
January 21, 2024

: now thatyou know your position and whoyou are in Chris (Eph. 1-3)-now that you know the high calling of God in lives worthy of that position...of that person who you are...of that c

”All About Relationship”
January 14, 2024

Lofty words from Paul depicting the deep intimate relationship of love between God and His people as he continues to pray for the Ephesians...that they will experience the "fullness of Christ as a rea

Conduits Of Power
January 07, 2024

the power of God indwells all believers-Paul prays for the believers at Ephesus that they would experience thefullness of God'spower in their livesClosing Application - corporatealtar call...I wi

”Remember and Forget”
December 31, 2023

: there are things we are admonishedto remember and things we are admonishedto forget
