Columbia Christian Fellowship

Columbia Christian Fellowship

Latest Episodes

"A Glance Behind...
January 03, 2021

This week:   Text: selected Scriptures   Theme:  Scripture and comments on "looking back on what God has done" followed by testimonies from 2020...  

Into the Law School
December 27, 2020

This Week: Theme: Chris Fierstein will be speaking and tying his message in with the upcoming Bible Read.   Study the Word of God with the same zeal that a student has towards law school. God has "all we need"; just the crumbs from our Master's table can.

2Christmas Service...ource of Joy020
December 20, 2020

This week:   Text: selected scriptures   Theme: A reading of the Christmas Story from Luke 1-2 with interspersed comments, carols and a closing brief devotional on the joy of Christmas

"Opportunity Seized..."
December 13, 2020

This week:   Text: Acts 3:12-26   Theme: The miraculous healing of the previous passage provided a ready made opportunity for witness...telling the people the about Jesus -Peter seized the opportunity   The nature of the message is informative   The obje.

"In Jesus Name"
December 06, 2020

This week:   Text: Acts 3:1-10   Theme: this phrase or expression is more than just a way to end our releases the power and authority of Jesus into a person's life, a situation or set of circumstances, a community or nation etc. and brings a.

"A Happening Church"
November 22, 2020

This week:   Text: Acts 2:43-47   Theme: last week we looked at four core values of the church in Acts -this week we will see what a church devoted to these core values looks like :-) -it's a happening you would want to be a part of -it's ou.

"An Effective Witness...A Successful Start"
November 08, 2020

This week:   Text: Acts 2:36-41   Theme: a further breakdown our look at Peter's initial address to the crowds following Pentecost -the results were incredible  -it was truly "An Effective Witness...A Successful Start"  

"Effective Witness..."
November 01, 2020

This week:   Text: Acts 2:22-36   Theme: a look at Peter's effective "witness" to Jesusin these verses -two main components...focus on Jesus...relevant Scripture...under the direction/empowerment of the Holy Spirit

"Purpose Driven..."
October 25, 2020

This week:   Text: Acts 2:14-21   Theme:  The baptism and filling of the Spirit at Pentecost was not a "random", or a "this might be nice, lets try this" thing. It was absolutely needed, was very much "Purpose Driven", there was a definite.

''Clear as Mud''
October 18, 2020

This week:   A better understanding of the holy spirt and the misleading understanding some people may have.  
