Columbia Christian Fellowship

Columbia Christian Fellowship

Latest Episodes

A Study on Prayer Through the Book of Acts
January 23, 2022

This week:    Text: Acts 13:1-3   Theme: Acts 13:1-3 "while they were worshiping, fasting and praying... -the NT church was birthed and then operated through prayer...especially corporate prayer -a br

”A ”Miraculous Escape
January 16, 2022

This week:   Text: Acts 12:3-19   Theme: Peter is supernaturally, miraculously released from prison by an angel. -we will comment on the escape/release -however, the main focus will be verse 5..."duri

Church Under Attack”
January 02, 2022

  Good afternoon    This week   Text: Acts 12:1-19   Theme: focus is back on the church in Jerusalem for one chapter -it is under attack -James is killed -Peter is imprisoned but miraculously escapes

CCF 2022 Bible Read
December 26, 2021

Good afternoon men,   This week:   Text :selected Scriptures   Theme: Chris Fierstein will be speaking and mainly introducing the 2022 Bible Read, although I'm sure he will share other thoughts as wel

CCF Christmas Celebration
December 19, 2021

This Week: Text: Luke 2Theme: We finished covering the preliminaries, Now we are to the main event… The actual birth of Christ.

”Further Thoughts on the Christmas Story”
December 12, 2021

This week:   Text: Luke 1:26-45   Theme: last week an angel appeared to Zechariah and gave a message from God you are going to have a son and name him John -this week an angel appears to Mary and gave

no title
November 14, 2021

”Critical Mass”
October 31, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 11:22-24   Theme: Critical mass is when something is at a point where it could be sent in one direction or the other -the church in our text was at critical mass with this Gent

Baptism Service
October 17, 2021

Believers on the Move
October 10, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 11:19-21   Theme: As the believers moved out, north and west from Jerusalem, they preached the word wherever they went. -at first they limited it to Jews -then some finally und
