College Prep Genius

College Prep Genius

Best of College Prep Genius: Checklist For College – Car and Personal

August 09, 2019

Checklist Before College - Car and Personal with Jean Burk
Do you need a check list for college prep? Have you considered what you need for your car or personal items that are necessary to make your life easier away from home? This is a great broadcast for teens and parents approaching those college years.

If you are still studying to take the SAT or PSAT test - check out the College Prep Genius course - online or live classes.

Podcast #47
Car Care

* Inspections or have a mechanic check it out
* Supplies to change a tire and know how to change one
* Car insurance card - keep in glove compartment and insurance
* Drivers License up to date
* Emergency roadside kit - good flashlight
* Change of clothes
* Warm Jacket or blanket
* Bottle water
* Jumper cables or portable battery jumper
* Spare car key
* Five dollars in quarter or twenty dollar bill
* Map of area or surrounding area
* Roadside assistance program.
* Most states drive license -  800 number for stranded motorists

Personal - 

* Dental check up before you head out
* Doctor's checkup
* Medical records for school
* Take your refills and transfer prescriptions to campus or near dorm
* Medical Insurance Records
* Cell phones
* School supplies
* Backpack
* Preloaded credit card or cash
* Umbrella
*  Favorite book, movies
* Sports Equipment
* Personal items -important, put in lockbox or fireproof box
* Check for what is permitted on campus
* Cell phone - be sure there is coverage at your college

Photo Credit - all rights reserved. © Melpomene
