The Hill, Criminal Intentions

The Hill, Criminal Intentions

Introduction Trailer

July 06, 2021

Welcome to "The Hill, Crimainal Intentions" Original podcast series Based On A True Story And Real Events. Each episode is a chapter to a narrative story of a students life in college that quickly turns into to survival by all means including the illegal distribution of drugs on a college campus nick named "The Hill." This story includes, survival, sex, love, deciet, betrayal, greed that ends in murder. If your into who, what, when and why? This podcast is for you.. You may have seen movies like Higher Learning or drum line, well combined those movies and add drugs, greed, disloyalty and murder and you will get "Criminal Intentions, The Hill"

Many believe that going to college is the end all be all, however successfully finishing college is the goal, but for some mixing the elements of survival, love and need for money can create desperate actions that can forever alter one's intentions and directions. In reference to the concepts of rational choice theory, a criminal intentions We're not dissimilar than the average American citizen as far as hard work and values striving for success yet choose crime to reach thier piece of the pie to obtain one's goals that may have otherwise been out of reach. Just imagine sending your child to college to further their education and live a successful life, to getting a phone call that your child has been killed? Unfortunately this happens more than some may know and this podcast will bring you inside the life of the Hill.

So tune in to each episode, starting at episode one to fully understand all the characters postions in the story and how they impact each other's lives.

This story is based on real life events, so the names have been changed to protect the privacy of the family members who are no longer here and the individuals who were involved in illegal crimes. Please leave a 5 star review on the platform your viewing this podcast on, to help our community grow!


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