Coffee with The Kendrick's

Coffee with The Kendrick's

26. Bearing Fruit for God’s Glory

November 10, 2020

Once you are in Christ, you become a new creation. Therefore, your life should no longer look the way that it did prior to you knowing Christ. True Christians will bear fruit for God’s glory. Does this mean absolute perfection? Does this mean that we continue in sin because of God’s grace? Today we will hang out in John 15:1-11 to see what this looks like.

Scriptures Mentioned:

John 15:1-11, 1 John 2:3-6, Rom 12:1-2, Col 3:1-10, Eph 4:22-24, Rom 8:29-39

Resources Mentioned:

A Little Book on the Christian Life by John Calvin

Tabletalk Magazine: (September 2018) Between Two Worlds, Page 38

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