Coffee With Dr. Stewart

Coffee With Dr. Stewart

Latest Episodes

Post Concussion & Head Injuries: Assessing and Recovering - Episode 9
November 11, 2014

Join us for a discussion with Dr. Stewart on types of concussions and how to assess a concussion at home to having a professional’s opininion.  Find out through Dr. Stewart’s expertise how not recovering properly from a concussion or head injury can

Post Concussion & Head Injuries: Assessing and Recovering - Episode 9
November 11, 2014

Join us for a discussion with Dr. Stewart on types of concussions and how to assess a concussion at home to having a professional's opininion. ...

Dizziness and Vertigo Causes and Treatment - Episode 8
November 02, 2014

Dizziness is one of the top 3 reasons for someone to seek out a physician.  Over 40% of the population over the age of 40 ...

Practitioners Radhia Gleis & Peter McCarthy Discuss Detoxification & Chronic Stress
October 27, 2014

Radhia Gleis, PhD, MEd, CCN, A Professional in the field of nutrition for over twenty five years; She is a resourceful, and innovative educator who ...

Sleep Issues & Tips To Support The Sleep-Wake Cycle For Better Rest -Episode 6
October 20, 2014

Dr. Stewart discusses why so many of us are having sleep troubles today.  He goes over the importance of the SLEEP CYCLE and good sleep ...

Anxiety & Depression Overview, Causes & Nutritional Suggestions - Episode 5
October 13, 2014

Dr. Stewart discusses anxiety, depression and other specific conditions that affect millions of children and adults today.  In this episode we discuss why this is ...

Headaches and Migraines: Causes & Treatment - Episode 4
October 06, 2014

Dr. Stewart discusses in episode 4 the biochemistry behind why someone may suffer from chronic headaches and migraines.  Many times it may be linked to ...

ADD / ADHD Alternative Treatments, Diagnosis & Long Term Side Effects of ADD Medications - Episode 3
October 01, 2014

Dr. Stewart will discuss in this episode the definition of ADD and ADHD and his thoughts around the growing number of children being diagnosed.  He will also discuss why these children have ADD and how parents can go a more natural route to support their

Methylation…The Key To A Healthy Life & Why So Many People Are Deficient - Episode 2
September 24, 2014

Dr. Kendal Stewart and Host Kara Stewart-Mullens discuss Methylation and what it means to you and your family's health.  Listen to Dr. Stewart's explanation and how he helps his patient's recover from a methylation deficiency. Methylation helps the body

Episode 1 - Dr. Stewart’s Background & Expertise
September 24, 2014

Neurobiologix Supplements presents a new radio show called Coffee With Dr. Stewart.  This show will provide our listeners with up-to-date medical information from a leading neurotologist and neuro-immune specialist. With Dr. Stewart’s broad medical kn
