Coffee With Dr. Stewart

Coffee With Dr. Stewart

Brain / Body Fatigue: Mitochondrial Part 1

November 16, 2015

On Episode 10 we discuss with Dr. Stewart how significant mitochondria are to each cell in the body.  This is Part 1 of a 2 part series:
What are mitochondria and what do they doWhy is mitochondria weakness so common today and why doesn't your doctor talk about itWhat hinders the mitochondria (nutrient deficiencies, toxins, genetic mutations)Why are mitochondria polymorphisms (mutations) so common and what does that mean What genetic mutations prove that you have an issue with the mitochondria (5 SNPs to look for)How methylation mitochondria are correlated and why you must pay attention to methylation firstWhat can you do to help your mitochondria nutritionally How PQQ and NADH can change the course of mitochondrial functionFor information on products or ingredients mentioned in this episode visit or call (866)500-5388
