Coaching Minds with Justin Lewis

Coaching Minds with Justin Lewis

Episode 10: Joey Myers,

March 27, 2017

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadThis episode is a little bit different. I’m speaking with Joey Myers from Joey is one of a handful of guys who are bringing science to the baseball swing. I love it. I think baseball has always lacked innovation. When I was coaching I always knew that some of the more successful hitters weren’t doing what we were teaching, but I didn’t know why…now I do. Joey has published three books. The Catapult Loading System, which is all about his hitting system. The Science of Sticky Coaching and The Ugly Truth About Hitting Ground Balls which came from a rant he had on his website that I agree with, but some coaches were seriously offended…haha…you can read that post here.
We were very careful to not talk about the swing mechanics very much in this interview because as much as I love talking about hitting, let’s face it, it would make for a terrible listen for most of you! We talk about coaching with a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset and we also spoke about where you should start when you first go to his site.
You can follow Joey Myers on Twitter @hitperformlab
You can follow him on Facebook at
