Coaches'' Corner with Coach Andrew

Coaches'' Corner with Coach Andrew

Coaches' Corner with guest Kama Linden

April 09, 2013

Tonight, it's about music!  Musician Kama Linden is a fireball of energy, passion, and versatility. This gutsy lyricist draws you in with her edgy lyrics and voice , lulls you in with SMOOTH vocals, and has you grooving with sultry sounds that are undeniably her own. Live on stage, she has gathered many a crowd at various festivals and other venues large and small. Her NEWEST Album, SOUTHERN COMFORT, is on iTunes and other digital sites, along with her children's song single: IT TAKES ALL KINDS. Unlike her past albums, her new releases were recorded in NASHVILLE with all live studio musicians. Her song "Crossed Over" from UNINHIBITED 2006 is being featured in a Book that was released as a 9/11 remembrance by ArtForHealingNYC.Org. She also plays at many benefits and Charity Ev ents, and will be singing "God Bless America" at the Javitz Center in May. I'll be spinning a few of Kama's tunes tonight. Learn more about Kama's music at  Her music can be found on  iTunes, CD Baby and MySpace.  
