Closure Optional

Closure Optional

Latest Episodes

Closure Optional Ep. 78 – Existentialism and Pandemonium
March 23, 2020

This episode is about what the fuck is going on?! The worlds a little topsy-turvey at the moment and so I discuss an idea that emerged in Europe out of the uncertainty and confusion of WWII in the 19

Closure Optional Ep. 77 – Confidence
March 08, 2020

This episode is about the good and bad of confidence, how being insecure can lead to over-confidence, and why Im the best and worst person in the whole world all at once. I talk a lot about how diffi

Closure Optional Ep. 76 – Insecurity
February 28, 2020

In this episode I get harsh, cry a little, and say fuck a lot. Im talking about what happens when we hold onto insecurity as a personality trait, through constant negative self-talk and stories, and

Closure Optional Ep. 75 – Danny McStay, Provisional Psychologist at Lives Lived Well
February 18, 2020

Danny is the Senior Provisional Psychologist at Mirikai, a live-in Rehab facility on the Gold Coast for people who are struggling with Addiction, or as they say, Substance Use Disorder. He provides

Closure Optional Ep. 74 – Jenny Hallam, Cannabis Activist
February 01, 2020

Jenny is a Cannabis Activist, and is probably best known for the 3-year court battle she recently faced for supplying free Cannabis Oil to sick people in Australia. She learned how to make the oil in

Closure Optional Ep. 73 – The Four Agreements
January 25, 2020

In this episode Im talking about a neat little set of guidelines called The Four Agreements which are supposed to help you ease some of the needless suffering and self-limiting beliefs created insi

Closure Optional Ep. 72 – Love and Meaning
November 25, 2019

Ah Jesus sorry I’ve been away for so long! Man it’s been a wonderful few weeks, but fuck, it’s time to pull my head out of the clouds and get back to this podcast! I’ve been missing because I’ve been

Closure Optional Ep. 71 – Chaos and Boredom (and Buddhism)
September 28, 2019

Ooooh this episode is all about how I (or, possibly, we) react to change, and how I’ve managed to get myself out of chaos through chanting nonsense in my bedroom. I ramble about how we mislead ourselv

Closure Optional Ep. 70 – Dr. Julie Kelso
September 22, 2019

Julie is a Professor at Bond University, where she specialises in philosophy, feminist philosophy, religion and literature. This is a wonderful conversation about the nature of being, from a person wh

Closure Optional Ep. 69 – Lucas Stone 3, Musician
September 15, 2019

Lucas is a Musician, currently the guitarist for a band called Hammers, and since hes back from touring the country in front of thousands of people, it was a perfect time to come discuss what it mean
