Cleverly Changing Podcast

Cleverly Changing Podcast

Do Not Be Afraid to Ask for Help

December 13, 2019

Welcome to the CleverlyChanging Podcast in this episode we talk about mental health. Our podcast is all about learning how to educate your kids. This is episode 20. Our goal is to provide you with encouragement, insight about African history, and support as a parent and home educator. New episodes are uploaded biweekly. Please remember to subscribe and share.

Intro (02:06)

The African proverb for this week’s podcast goes as follows:

“Little by little fills up the measure.” – Swahili proverb

Word of the Episode (2:33)

Abusua means family or clan in Ghana

Cleverly Cultured Kids (2:48)

Talk to your kids. One way that we can help build confidence is by taking the time to listen to our kids. In this episode, we talk to the Cleverly Cultured Kids about confidence.

Grown Folks Talk – Therapy and Health (7:07)

As adolescents grow there may come a time when they need to speak to a mental healthcare professional. Having a tough time as a teen is common and is not something they should be ashamed of. Thus, as a parent, it is our responsibility to give them the tools they need to cope with life. Sometimes those tools are beyond our own areas of understanding so find someone that you and your child feel comfortable with.

Reader Participation

Learn to Love Math was today’s topic if you have found resources that you love and you have a child that loves math. Please share those resources in the comment section below.

We Need You To Share This Episode

The title of this episode is “Do Not Be Afraid to Ask for Help” right in line with that sentiment is that we need your help as a listener. Please please tell your friends about our podcast. While we love having a conversation with each other, the podcast will only be able to exist if more people are listening. If you know some who has children, our tips and tricks are beneficial to parents who homeschool and those who are interested in supplementing the education of their children.

Furthermore, wherever you are listening to this podcast, please leave us a review.

Listen to and Share Past Episodes

Lastly, if you want to hear more about homeschooling and how we have managed to make it work, please check out our past episodes.

* Episode 19 – College Counselor Jewel Walwyn Talks Planning for the Future
* Episode 18 – How to Get your Homeschooler Ready for College
* Episode 17 – Questions from Our Listeners
* Episode 16 – Learn to Love Math
* Episode 15 – Are You Comfortable Homeschooling* Episode 14 – Starting a New School Year* Episode 13 – Homeschooling As A Family* Episode 12 – Protecting our Children part 2* Episode 11 – Protecting Our Kids from predators...
