The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues

The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues

Latest Episodes

Vegan Food Politics: A Black Feminist Perspective
April 02, 2014

A. Breeze Harper, research fellow, University of California, Davis Using the analytical lenses of critical whiteness studies and black feminism, this lecture will explore how issues of food, health, and “ethical eating” in American veganism are infor

Towards Collective Liberation
April 01, 2014

Chris Crass, community organizer and author, will draw lessons from American social movements and his own experiences working within them over the past 25 years to help us see how divisions of race, class and gender can become bridges to help expand democ

Stand Your Ground: Discretion, Race, and Culture
March 31, 2014

Tamara Lawson, Saint Thomas University School of Law An engaging conversation about how discretion, which is exercised at all levels of the criminal justice system, can affect the outcomes of criminal cases, including claims of self-defense and the right

Snowden Reflections
March 24, 2014

The Snowden leaks of classified information over the last several months have highlighted a number of important issues, including the lawfulness of certain surveillance programs of the National Security Agency, the proper balance between national security

Sports, Social Media & the Empowerment of Women
March 23, 2014

Laura Suchoski, Social Media Manager, McKinney The ever-growing landscape of social media is changing how we, as fans and athletes, consume sports. Laura Suchoski, a former social media manager at ESPN, will be exploring social innovations in sports med

The Dark Matter: Race and Racism
March 19, 2014

Howard Winant, University of California, Santa Barbara Race and racism are in many ways the building blocks of the contemporary world and the social universe we take for granted. The unfreedom, despotism, exclusion, inequality, and violence that are ass

March 05, 2014

As the Sochi Olympics were drawing to a close, the long simmering tug-of-war between the EU and Russia over the future of Ukraine boiled over into street violence and political chaos in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital. This panel will examine the origins of t

Water, Conflict, and Peacebuilding
March 04, 2014

Sorting myth from reality by drawing upon an emerging body of research on water and peacebuilding, Carl Bruch, senior attorney, Environmental Law Institute, will survey what we have learned about water, conflict, and peacebuilding over the past twenty yea

U.S. Security Policy - Eisenhower Series College Program
March 03, 2014

The Eisenhower program is an academic outreach designed to encourage dialogue on national security and other public policy issues between students at the U.S. Army War College and students/faculty at other academic institutions. Panelists include: Lt. Col

Central America on the Precipice
February 25, 2014

The two panelists: Michael Allison, professor, University of Scranton; and Christine Wade, professor, Washington College, will discuss current developments in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador as well as the general impact of Central America