The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues

The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues

Snowden Reflections

March 24, 2014

The Snowden leaks of classified information over the last several months have highlighted a number of important issues, including the lawfulness of certain surveillance programs of the National Security Agency, the proper balance between national security and privacy/civil liberties, and the impact the leaks have had on U.S. foreign relations and the intelligence community. This panel discussion will address these issues with a general focus on the impact that the Snowden disclosures have had on the United States and its constitutional framework. Panelists include:Amy Gaudion, assistant dean for Academic Affairs, Penn State Dickinson School of Law; Bert Tussing, director of the Homeland Defense and Security Issues Group, Center for Strategic Leadership and Development, U.S. Army War College; Anthony Williams, visiting professor of security studies, Dickinson College; Harry Pohlman (moderator), A. Lee Fritschler Chair in Public Policy and executive director of the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues, Dickinson College This event is sponsored by the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues.
