City Revival Church

City Revival Church

Latest Episodes

Saying Yes to Formlessness
October 03, 2020

In this podcast, Sam Gray walks us through several Old Testament passages, to show us Yahweh's pattern of calling us to formlessness. Listen in as we navigate what this call means to us, and how we can respond.

Reigning & Removal
September 30, 2020

In our time together today, Pastor shows us how Abraham was a man who reigned, but first he was a man who was removed. Sometimes to get to your tomorrow, you have to leave your today. Join us on the journey and discover that your tomorrow is as close...

An Appointed Seed
September 01, 2020

On the podcast today, pastor pulls a story out of the book of Genesis to show us the restoring and redemptive power of God in our lives. Open your heart and take the journey with us as we discover that God has appointed another seed.

The Chess Game
August 20, 2020

In this message, Pastor explains how God's hand is in EVERY situation and circumstance. He is always moving pieces around for our benefit and for His glory. Join us as we journey through Israel's Exodus experience and see how God is doing the same...

Being the Bridge
August 20, 2020

In this message, Pastor unveils the idea that much of what we do, is in fact for those coming after us. Looking at the story of David and Solomon we see that all of our work and labor could very well be for our sons and daughters. Are we willing and...

Refusing To Let Discouragement Lead
August 12, 2020

In this message, Pastor jumps into the story of Ruth and her sister Orpah to glean some truths regarding the danger of letting discouragement distort our decision making. We then travel to Psalm 73 and find the answer to the discouragement we may...

Cling - The Grace to Stay Connected in Times of Difficulty
August 11, 2020

In this message, Pastor explores the story of Ruth and her relationship to Naomi; and parallels it to our relationship with God in this interesting time. Take a journey with us and discover why you must "Cling" in this moment! Your future depends on it!

The Principle of Both-And: Ideology, Culture, and the movement of Black Lives Matter
June 16, 2020

No one can outrun what is happening in our culture today. Ethnic relations have reached a point of severe strain. This week we dive into the idea that many things in the debate are not "Either-Or" but rather they are "Both-And". Join us as we endeavor...

Build Your Ark
June 09, 2020

Join us as we dive in to look at the life of Noah and his response to a world filled with injustice and violence. What was God's plan then and could it be God's plan now? Take the journey with us and let's see what we find.

It's Coming A Second Time
June 02, 2020

From the life of Jonah we discover that Romans 8:28 is really true. God works all things for the good. Be encouraged today as you discover that the promises over your life are coming a second time.
