Cinema Cult Network

Cinema Cult Network

Episode 115 - The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (Listener Request)

September 20, 2019

We're ending LRM with Wes Anderson's 'The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou', which was requested by Don from Cincinnati. Movie requests are very fun for us, because we're allowing YOU (the listener) to surprise us with a lineup of movies we cover on the show. We're not quite sure when the next LRM will be, so the sooner you get your requests in, the sooner we can start planning ahead of time.

The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (2004)
Directed by Wes Anderson
Starring: Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Cate Blanchett, Willem Dafor, Michael Gambon, Jeff Goldblum, Anjelica Houston, Seu Jorge, and Bud Cort.

Keep sending us your movie suggestions via email ( or DM us via Facebook and/or Instagram... and by all means, please let us know WHY you want us to cover that movie!

Be sure to hit that Subscribe button wherever you listen to the show, be sure to rate and review the show, and most importantly... spread the word. All three of these things really helps push the show out to new people!

Episode is available via iTunes (, Google Play Music (, or direct download via Soundcloud.
