Christian Meets World

Christian Meets World

Latest Episodes

CMW028: Porn, Probably a Bad Idea
November 07, 2011

Tonight I read a talk I wrote called "Porn, Probably a Bad Idea". I hope you like it and would welcome your feedback. References Good free accountability software that I have found is X3 Watch. It wont stop you using porn if you want, but it will tell on

CMW027: Some thoughts on Occupy Wall Street
October 20, 2011

I thought i'd talk about the Occupy Wall Street movement this week. Sorry for the delay and the show is quite a long one but I hope you find it interesting and informative. The Occupy Wall Street Demand Lists The First List of Demands The First Offical Li

CMW026: The Sovereignty of God & If I had a time machine
October 07, 2011

The Sovereignty of God and why it would be cool to have a time machine, they seemed like good topics for this evenings show. In fairness, what is cool about a time machine is a reflection on my 18 years as a christian and what 18 year old angry atheist Ja

CMW025: What is Value? and Marxism and Pseudo Religion and Christian Heresy
September 20, 2011

On tonights show the idea of value and the similarities of Marxism to a religion are the topics for discussion. Resources The Libaray of Economics and Liberty has a great article on Marxism including a discussion of the Labour Theory of Value Wikipedia ha

CMW024: What makes a god a god?
August 23, 2011

I thought it would be interesting to talk about what makes something a God. I know I have encountered the challenge about an atheist believing in one less God than I do, but that doesn't seem to saying much as most of the "gods" in question aren't really

CMW023: Social Justice, Rapists and what they have in common
August 16, 2011

Tonight for a little controversy I thought I would look at what Rapists and Social Justice advocates have in common, which inevtiable touches on rights, liberties and obligations. Resources There is a good discussion of rights over at Stanford Encyclopedi

CMW022: Some Random Thoughts on Philosophy and Theology
August 09, 2011

Tonight some random thoughts on theology and philosophy. Resources Not much in the way of resources tonight as it was all pretty much my own thinking on the topic If you are interested in learning more about the loons from Westboro Bapitst Church the Wiki

CMW021: The Oslo Shooting and the Problem of Evil
August 02, 2011

Tonight I comment on the Oslo shooting and The Problem of Evil. Resources The Wikipedia entry on the Problem of Evil provides a good place to start and The Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has a good entry on the Problem of Evil if you are looking for

CMW020: Some musings on atheism
July 26, 2011

An exploration of some of the implications of atheism and what it means to take it seriously. Resources An beginning point for Atheism over at wikipedia as well as Metaphysical Naturalism and Nihilism The philosopher Alvin Plantinga has a number of papers

CMW019: Pornography & The Consumer with Colin
March 01, 2011

An interview about pornography and the consumer with Colin.
