Christian Meets World

Christian Meets World

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CMW048: Thoughts on the Carbon Tax
July 06, 2012

I thought tonight I would kick around the criminal idiocy that is the new carbon tax legislation that has just gone into effect in Australia. If it isn't already obvious i'm opposed to it, even though consumption oriented taxes are normally the sort of th

CMW047: Thoughts on the Archbishop’s Letter
June 26, 2012

On tonight's show I read the Letter by Archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen that he has written to all Sydney Anglicans on proposed same-sex marriage legislation and offer a few thoughts on it. Show Notes You can read the Peter Jensen's Letter on Redefini

June 17, 2012

TANSTAAFL is an acronym that means "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch". Show Notes Wikipedia has a pretty good starting bit of history on TANSTAAFL The Wikipedia entry on Heinlein is a good place to start and you can learn more about him and hi

CMW045: Interview with Dr David Instone-Brewer on Divorce and Remarriage
June 08, 2012

A fascinating interview tonight with Dr David Instone-Brewer from Tyndale House. We have an excellent conversation about the biblical grounds for divorce. I think the conversation is very interesting. Show Notes is Dr Instone-Bre

CMW044: Abortion in the case of Rape
May 31, 2012

I figured I would tackle a nice easy subject tonight. So abortion in the case of rape it is. Is it ever legitimate? Are there any cases where abortion is ok? Here are my thoughts, let me know yours. Ask your questions or share your feedback Comment o

CMW043: You’re not Luke Skywalker and this isn’t Star Wars
May 16, 2012

The subtitle for this episode is, "Tell me what you think, I don't care what you feel". It is partially an exploration of something that is a pet peeve of mine, but I think it also reflects a corruption of the culture and language that is reaching epidemi

CMW042: Same-sex Marriage Legislation, some thoughts
May 10, 2012

There was a same-sex marriage amendment passed in North Carolina. Some people call it a "ban" but that is pretty clearly a lie. I thought i'd toss the idea around. Notes The text and details of the North Carolina Ammendment Ask your questions or share

CMW041: Are atheists more compassionate?
May 02, 2012

Saw an interesting article that had a study that was touted as showing that atheists are more compassionate when it comes to charitable giving. I'm not sure the study says what they think it says. The results are certainly interesting but probably not in

CMW040: What is your fair share of what someone else earns?
April 16, 2012

"Since this is an era when many people are concerned about “fairness” and “social justice,” what is your “fair share” of what someone else has worked for?" - Thomas Sowell Notes I highly recommend you have a read of Thomas Sowell's regular

CMW039: Doing Evil so Good will Result
April 06, 2012

Is it ok to do evil so that good will result? Can God do this? Does God do this? Notes Augustine of Hippo was an early Christian Philosopher. If you have never read Augustines Confessions then get it in Paperback or on Kindle, it is well worth it and a
