Christian Meets World

Christian Meets World

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CMW204 - Having a political philosophy vs having a political sociology
November 15, 2013

Do you have a Political Philosophy or a Political Sociology? A political sociology is a problem, so lets hope you don't. Show Notes Political Ideologies Political Sociology Christna B&B Owners forced to close business after trying to assert freedom of

CMW 203 - I am a Theologically Liberal Atheist
November 09, 2013

Why I am a theologically liberal atheist. Basically a musing on why words mean things and why it is important not to abuse language. Also a recommendation to go and see Gravity. I normally don't like Clooney in things but in this he is good. No show not

CMW 202 - The Demand for Miracles
November 03, 2013

Some thoughts on the atheists demand for various sorts of miracles to authenticate the truth of Christianity. Show Notes Miracles Evidence Abductive Reasoning A Sci Phi show on this sort of reasoning Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accou

Please vote for us in the 9th Podcast Awards
November 01, 2013

Please vote every day, November 1–15 to support us and your other favorite podcasts in the international Podcast Awards.

CMW 201 - Musings on Hell
October 26, 2013

Some thoughts on different approaches to the nature of Hell. Sorry I've been away, things are back on track again. There have been some changes, you'll notice the episode number has jumped a bit. I'm moving the show to a seasonal format like I did with

CMW072: Render unto Caesar?
April 10, 2013

Rendering unto Caesar is the topic for the second "request an episode" series that is currently running. Listener John has asked the following, A show about Christianity and taxes/government. Specifically, I think a lot of my fellow Christians have take

CMW071: How to argue
March 31, 2013

The first in the "suggest a topic" series, Wanda asked for an episode on "How to argue", so here goes, I hope it is too her liking. I'm still taking suggestions, we are up to 3 so far, 1 down two to go, Sorry for the delay i

CMW070: Politics in Education
March 05, 2013

Is politics in Education a bad idea? I have a Facebook acquaintance who is associated with the NCSE and he seems to get quite upset when parents and other groups want to influence what gets taught as science eduction. He seems to miss that his groups does

CMW069: Democracy, Bad idea or Horrible idea?
January 24, 2013

Winston Churchill said democracy was the worst system except for all the others. Was he right? Show Notes Aristole on Government The Law where Bastiat talks of legalized plunder The Rule of Law Hans Herman Hoppe 17th Ammendment Ask your questions or

CMW068: Are some salaries excessive?
January 15, 2013

Do CEO's, Sports Star and Celebrities get paid to much? How about politicians? I kick the idea around on this episode of Christian Meets World. Show Notes Cheap Politicians by Thomas Sowell Please connect with me Like Christian Meets World on F