Christ Lutheran Fort Worth

Christ Lutheran Fort Worth

Latest Episodes

Brokenness Restored: In Christ and in His Word
June 09, 2019

The sermon from Sunday, June 9, 2019, Pentecost Sunday The readings for this service:Old Testament: Ge...

Congratulations, the Kingdom of God is Yours!
May 26, 2019

The sermon from Sunday, May 26, 2019, the Sixth Sunday of Easter.The readings for this service:First Lesson:

Sometimes, We Just Don't Get It!
May 19, 2019

The sermon from Sunday, May 19, 2019, the Fifth Sunday of Easter. The readings for this service:First Lesson:

Building Faith: God, the Word, and Generous Giving
May 12, 2019

The sermon from Sunday, May 12, 2019, the Fourth Sunday of Easter.The readings for this service:First Lesson:

With Signs and Wonders
April 28, 2019

The sermon from Sunday, April 28, 2019, the Second Sunday of Easter.The readings for this service:First Lesson:

They Put Their Faith in Him
January 20, 2019

This is the sermon from the second Sunday after the Epiphany, January 20, 2019. Scripture lessons for this worship service: Old Testament:

Your Redeemer Has Come!
January 13, 2019

The sermon from the First Sunday after the Epiphany, January 13, 2019. Rev. Travis Pittock, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, Fort Worth, is preaching.
