Chiro Hustle

Chiro Hustle

How Medical Miracles are Chiropractic Normals with Dr Dean Peters DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 420

January 08, 2023

Father/Doctor/Coach/World Changer/Bio-Hacker

Born and raised in NJ

Evolved in Myrtle Beach, SC

Still evolving in Atlanta, GA.

Things that make me smile most:

•Quality Time connecting with my family & friends

•Empowering others to be brave enough to step into their power.

•Volleyball, Hiking, Surfing, Skimboarding, Wakeboarding, and anything else that’s got a board.

Previous Life: Pizza maker, Car Salesman, Subshop owner, Nightclub Bouncer, timeshare salesman, advertising agency, moving company, surf school owner, Server @Dick’s Last Resort, Personal Trainer
