HSjN 191.1

HSjN 191.1

The Art of Change

July 15, 2015

Welcome, welcome, welcome everyone to The ChickS.H.Y.T. & Real Talk Radio Show...where these chicks'll Surely Have You Talkin...

Change is one of those things that we all want, but don't necessarily want to participate in. How many times have you said, "Things have to change..." in regards to a relationship, a job, a living situation or just with the world in general? 

Well, if you are anything like The Divas, you've said it more times than you'd care to remember and the "change" needed was one that, for a moment, would turn your whole world upside down! 

Tonight, THAT'S what The Divas are gonna discuss. We are gonna give you some tips and tricks to handling The Art Of Change with a little more grace and a lot less grief. It isn't always easy, but ironically, change is always necessary in order to elevate yourself, your situation and your effectiveness when dealing with life! If you CANNOT handle change, then change WILL handle you...and it's very rarely a pretty sight to see. Make sure you join The Divas tonight as we navigate through some simple steps that will help in dealing when "Change" shows up at your doorstep. 

A great artist uses change like paint, to create something that the world will never forget. Are you a great artist? Let find out...tonight.

Tune in and join the conversation (347) 857-4326
