Chaz & AJ

Chaz & AJ

Latest Episodes

2/12/12 - Carly Aquilino Break Up
February 12, 2016

Carly Aquilino dives deeper into her break up with a Saturday Night Live star with Chaz and AJ, as well as share a laugh over someone mispronouncing her name.

2/11/16 - Little Steven on Bruce Springsteen Tour
February 11, 2016

Chaz and AJ were at the XL Center last night to see Bruce Springsteen, and were backstage before the show to interview Little Steven. Are the rumors true that this could be Bruce's last tour?

2/11/16 - Phil Hates Geese
February 11, 2016

In Dumb Ass News, Chaz and AJ call out Phil the Producer for saying geese should be killed. He tries to defend his position by describing how terrible he thinks they are.

2/11/16 - The Tribe Supports Phil
February 11, 2016

After asking the Tribe, Chaz and AJ learn that Phil is not the only one who hates the geese.

2/11/16 - AJ is A Bad Kitty
February 11, 2016

Lady Elizabeth the dominatrix was in studio with Chaz and AJ to help the Tribe spice up their love life for Valentine's Day, but not before she punished AJ the "Bad Kitty."

2/11/16 - Phil's Dad Also Hates Geese
February 11, 2016

Chaz and AJ called Phil's Dad to see if he could calm him down about his hatred for geese, but it looks like that might run in the family.

2/11/16 - The Story That Started the Goose Rant
February 11, 2016

Manchester Mayor Jay Moran called Chaz and AJ during news to talk about the problem with geese, and how he's against killing them to solve the problem. Little did anyone know what would soon follow.

2/10/16 - Angry McRib Lady
February 10, 2016

In Dumb Ass News, Chaz and AJ play the hilarious audio of a lady complaining about her McRib order getting screwed up.

2/10/16 - News: Governor Malloy's Idea, and the Weather Intern's Report
February 10, 2016

In news, Chaz and AJ talk about Governor Malloy's genius new idea for the DMV, Ryan Reynolds' comments on Deadpool and send out their weather intern, Eric, to check on the snow.

2/10/16 - Attorney Mitchell on Employment Rights
February 10, 2016

In studio with Chaz and AJ, employment attorney Bob Mitchell, who was helping the Tribe with their questions about being screwed over by employers.
