Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell

Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell

Latest Episodes

The Gift of Giving
December 18, 2020

Ep #123 - Susan and her Team chat about what non-profits they are choosing to give to this year.  Some very good ideas for giving!   Support Jennifer Ellis' Favorite Charity, Akita Angels, at:  https://akitaangels.org   Support Olga Singer's Favorite Ch.

Susan chats with entrepreneur and visionary Caleigh Hernandez of RoHoGoods.com
December 11, 2020

Ep #122 - Susan and Caleigh Hernandez discuss what lead her to start a business showcasing artisans from Kenya and how she is giving these people a hand up and out of poverty.   Visit Caleigh Hernandez's Website at: RoHoGoods.com   Check out my book give.

Susan Wraps Up 2020...
December 04, 2020

Ep #121 - Susan chats about the year of 2020 and asks “what would you do if you knew everything was going to be okay?”   Check out my book giveaway where when you buy my book, "Live An Empowered Life: A 30 Day Journey Book", you get a second copy FREE at.

Susan chats with psychic, author and intuitive healer, Anne Jirsch
November 25, 2020

Ep #120 - Susan and Anne discuss her latest book, “Future Vision” and how to jump into your future in order to bring it into your current consciousness.--Visit Anne Jirsch's website at: https://www.annejirsch.com/--Get Anne Jirsch's book, “Create You...

Susan chats with fellow podcaster and author, Diane Dewey, about adoption and making reparations...
November 18, 2020

Ep #119 - Susan and Diane discuss how Diane’s biological father contacted her and she set off to reclaim herself and be come whole within herself.--Visit Diane Dewey's website at: https://dianedewey.com/--Get Diane Dewey's book, “Fixing the Fates: a...

T is for Transition, Trust and Transformation
November 06, 2020

Ep #118 - Susan chats about about moving from what was to a new perspective of confident expectation and hope. Check out the giveaway to get a copy of my book, "Live An Empowered Life: A 30 Day Journey Book" at:  susanburrell.com/book-giveaway

Susan chats with Samantha Skelly, an emotional and energetic coach, author and podcaster of "Hungry for Happiness”...
October 30, 2020

Ep #117 - Susan and Samantha discuss emotional eating, body image and how to feel in order to heal.--Visit Samantha Skelly's website and take her "5 Day Food Freedom Challenge” at:  https://www.hungryforhappiness.com/--Visit Susan's website at: htt...

Susan Chats with Naturopathic doctor, Debra Muth...
October 16, 2020

Ep #116 - Susan Burrell and Dr. Debra Muth, ND discuss women’s health and revitalizing your sex drive.--Visit Dr. Debra Muth's website and download her complimentary eBook, "Essence of Health and Vitality,” at:https://phoenixfactor.com/--Visit Susan'...

Susan chats about experiencing your emotions as a way to nourish your soul...
October 09, 2020

Ep #115 - Susan discusses the grief that we are all feeling individually and for the entire world; grieving deaths, fires, violence, change in how to do business and school. --Visit Susan's website at: https://SusanBurrell.com--Get Susan's Book, Live...

Nourish Your Soul...
October 02, 2020

Ep #114 - For the month of October, we are onto the letter 'N,' the 10th letter of the word 'empowerment,' as we focus the episodes around the word 'nourish.' In today's episode, I discuss the meaning of 'nourish' as I understand it and the importance of.
