ChansLogic Culture of Care

ChansLogic Culture of Care

How to Break Free of the Paycheck to Paycheck Cycle of Suck

November 07, 2019

How to break free of the paycheck to paycheck cycle of suck.
Life is about searching for a way to live your dream.
While at the same time trying to find a way to finance that dream. 
You’re taught to find a decent job, buy a house, and go to college. 
But in the process, you sometimes fall short of exactly what you want. 
Credit cards begin to pile up, balance transfers are used, more cards pile up.
And you spend your paycheck before you even receive it.
This cycle continues and continues until you simply give up and see this “rat race” as how it’s supposed to be. 
But it doesn’t have to be this way. 
You can break the chains of being stuck. 
Focus on removing debt and breaking free of the chokehold credit cards have on you. 
And finally, learn to embrace the life that you know you wanted all along. 
Stop settling. Start planning.
Listen to this podcast for a few simple tips and strategies you can use to get out of the paycheck to paycheck rat race!


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