Change Your Life Radio

Change Your Life Radio

Latest Episodes

Don’t Become Numb to Success
December 27, 2014

As you look back on 2014 it will be easy to see your imperfections vs your successes.  In this podcast Coach Burt shows you a new way to measure success as it is tied to progress vs imperfection and what unusual, rapid, and hyper growth looks like so you

Don’t Get Caught In The Friendzone
December 16, 2014

Have you ever got caught in the dreaded "Friend Zone" with a prospect or target? When you do you end up supplicating, being taken advantage of, and not getting the results you want. In this intriguing episode Coach Burt tackles how to never end up in this

Motivate the UN-Motivated
December 09, 2014

In this motivational show Coach Micheal Burt introduces the new concept of the show in The Super Coach which is part coach, part entrepreneur who helps you multiply your life, multiply your business, and multiply your money to "super human levels." He alw

Turtles vs Cheetahs
December 02, 2014

In this riveting podcast Coach Burt outlines the process between the mindset of attack of a cheetah vs. the mindset of a turtle. One attacks, one retreats. One is proactive, one is reactive. One is on offense and one is on defense.

The 1% Strategy
November 25, 2014

We spend a lot of time “majoring in the minors,” “selling to the masses,” “just getting by” and taking the simple and making it complicated. What if we created a “laser like” focus on those who only write us the largest check and those we enjoy working...

The Joel Osteen Phenom
November 18, 2014

In this podcast Coach Micheal Burt and the Optimizer Brock Patterson study the key lessons learned from the rise of the pastor Joel Osteen. From growing a church of only 5,000 to 43,000 and five best sellers to how the former camera man is worth over $...

Are You Open to Some Feedback?
November 11, 2014

We've gotten very poor at asking for and receiving feedback in this country. EGO, entitlement, and past success has blinded us to listen to or ask for a new perspective. In this episode of "Change Your Life Radio" Coach Burt and The the Optimizer Brock...

Build a Team and Free Agent Nation
November 05, 2014

Do you have trouble building a team in this "free agent nation?" Then Coach Burt has three ways to find the right talent, coach the right talent, and drive results to foster creativity and unparalleled results.

Money Never Sleeps
October 29, 2014

In this riveting podcast Coach Burt discusses the four main things money always follows including action, movement, activity, and energy. Learn these four and watch money follow you all the way to the bank.

From Astronaut to Alcoholic
October 22, 2014

What happens when you have been to the top of your field, industry, and career? Listen to Coach Micheal Burt share his insight about an interview with Tony Robbins.
