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Cerebral Overload Minute for April 9 2014
April 09, 2014

Watch What app's you buy, Jarvis for home, and Power your car with salt water

Cerebral Overload Minute for April 8 2014
April 08, 2014

The post Cerebral Overload Minute for April 8 2014 appeared first on Cerebral-Overload.

Cerebral Overload Minute for April 7 2014
April 07, 2014

This is the Cerebral Overload Minute. Your daily news in a minute ( give or take 60 seconds). Today’s topics include Marvel vs DC in 2016, Xbox ONE streaming to YouTube, Skype for Brodcasters, and Apple realizes they make a phone no one wants.

Episode 43: Pissing Off Ben Yaaasssss!
April 06, 2014

First off, I would like to thank those of you who stuck around when we lost all data from our site from 2014 on. Due to our stupidity we didn’t have adequate backups when our SQL file crapped the bed. So we are trying to catch back up.

Episode 42: iPhone 6 Beckham Edition!
April 04, 2014

Welcome back to the podcast! This is Season 01, Episode 42! In this episode you are joined by the three hosts that started it all. In this episode your hosts come back and sit down to discuss quite a few topics that we found interesting and worth talki...

Episode 37: Facebook’s Bottomless Pockets
March 26, 2014

This week on your favorite podcast your 3 hosts discuss a new study about teens and violent video games, they delve into the arguments about how children are just rotten punks and not completely influenced by video games, we discuss FaceBook spending 2 bi

Episode 36: In A World…
March 22, 2014

Welcome back wonderful listeners! Who is ready to be completely offended and learn more about technology than you ever expected? On today’s episode we hold a moment of silence for the Movie Trailer Guy, we discuss a couple criminals who couldn’t help b...

Episode 35: Invasion Of The Canadians
February 26, 2014

We are back and the Canadians are taking over. We welcome our newest member Nate and wish Ty good luck in fighting Russian injustice.  We talk about getting fit while burning your arms, NBC bringing back Hero’s, Getting your freak on at 30,

Episode 34: Help Me I’m Poor!
February 05, 2014

 This weeks episode your hosts discuss a few interesting topics including a man who risked his life to return to his home to save his Xbox, an elderly woman who has had a continuous conversation with Mailer Daemon, some new phones and info on the HTC One

Episode 33: Copyright Infringement!
January 08, 2014

  Guess whos back back back, back again again again. These guys are back, tell your friends! Hide ya kids, hide ya wife, hell hide ya husband they're offending errybody! Today we welcome back our 3 favorite hosts to the best podcast available on the int
