

Episode 49: Burn It All!

June 25, 2015

Welcome back everybody! This weeks episode is lacking a member but it makes up for it with amazing banter, news and a whole new set up! This week starts with Andrew flying in from nowhere, Hootie aka Darius Rucker soothing us, a banana that can't contain a spider, Ty is out, then we begin our new segment of 5 Things You Need To Know, #5 Robin William's last movie, #4 Morgan Freeman On Helium, #3 Xbox announces stuff, #2 or 3 idk New game releases for 2015 and our opinion, #1 Batman Dad getting the heat, and finally Andrew's Bullshit Kickstarter Thing Or Something Of The Week!



Robin Williams

Morgan Freeman

Xbox Announces

New Games!

I'm Batman!

Andrew's Bullshit Kickstarter Thing Or Something Of The Week

