

Episode 39: The Hateful Return

August 13, 2014

Hello all of our one listeners! Talking about you Jimmy! It has been a very long time since your 3 hosts were together in one Skype conversation. Today we bring you a brand new episode of the world famous Cerebral Overload Podcast! On today’s episode we discuss the new Nokia 130 that is being released, the Galaxy Note 4 images, the delay of the Batman v. Superman movie, a strange yet beautiful Canadian Superhero, the very sad loss of the late great Robin Williams, the darwinistic loss of Kevin Ward Jr., and finally Andrew’s Bullshit Kickstarter Thing Or Something Of The Week! Oh and of course the Deadpool test footage. Make sure you all stay until after the closing where you will now be able to hear bloopers and overly offensive material not featured in the episode!

Microsoft Nokia 130

Galaxy Note 4 Leaked images

Batman Vs Superman caves to Captain America

Captain Canuck

Robin Williams

Racing World Looses Kevin Ward Jr

Kickstarter Thing of the week or Something

Deadpool Trailer

The post Episode 39: The Hateful Return appeared first on Cerebral-Overload.
