Echoes from the Caverns

Echoes from the Caverns

The Stone Dragon Series – Book 1, Chapter 1

October 17, 2021

This chapter is read by Amber Raine and Asclepius
The Stone Dragon Series
The Treasure of Mystery Island (coming soon)
The Stone Dragon
The Quiet Mage
The Magic Book (coming next)
By Lily Byrd
First of all, I am thankful to the creators of the Ultima Series and The Shroud of the Avatar. Without their vision I would not have seen the story I wanted to tell.
I dedicate this story to those who play through my quests in Shroud of the Avatar. Thank you to the many players and developers of Shroud of the Avatar who have given me ideas, items, use of properties, and time to develop this story and the quests thus far.
I am especially thankful for the help of Mal Hari and the rest of the Jade Dragons. Their support and help has made everything better.
To those who offer their spaces for me to invade, Dragosani Valynshar, Mal Hari, Calan Caitin, Rinaldi, One Zero, Elnoth, Merrik Dragon, Whereit, List Rostov, Thoryk, PeteWe TheDisoriented, Scroda, and Minerva: thank you. They have each hosted in-game properties and/or the use of their game characters in my story. Without these players there would not be quests nor stories to tell.
I particularly want to mention the people who have helped me with editing. Alley Oop, E.P. Buck, John Braga, and Zoe Agashi you are the rocks on which my imagination grows, thank you for your efforts and your time.
Lastly, I am supported by a few long time players from the Ultima series who also play Shroud of the Avatar. Merrik Dragon, Alley Oop, and Ravalox have spent hours and hours talking with me about the games, the lore, the traditions and the details. They have encouraged me to keep telling the story and their help and encouragement has made this project possible.
All remaining mistakes are mine alone. None of this story or the characters in it are representations of anyone or anything on Earth. May love courage and truth guide your day and keep you safe.
With respect, Lily Byrd
June, 2021
First Edition: June 20, 2021
ByrdPress NBBN 00115-002
Prologue: Novia just north of the Cascade River along the North Midmaer Way in the foggy rain of autumn.
The soaking wet wool hood hid the tall man’s face. Emyrs stood, shaking underneath an equally drenched grey cloak. Bent over a slender staff and clutching it for stability, he did not think he would survive this encounter.
“Who is he?” The woman’s voice was melodic and cutting.
“Some washed up mage from a corner of Elysium in a small port community called Jade Valley.” Answered another, deeper but equally melodic voice.
Emyrs could hear his captors’ discussion. None of them made any move to hide their words but he had not yet seen them clearly. Elves? He had been so very certain he had been undetected leaving with the book. He was mistaken.
“Is he alone?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
As soon as he touched it, Emyrs knew it was something that needed to be kept from harm, perhaps examined by Lord British or one of his mages; at the very least kept in a safe place until it could be studied. Magic books were rare, and old ones nearly unique. This one book’s recovery became his quest from the moment he saw it. No one questioned him, not even Lily Byrd. She knew he wouldn’t have hidden it if it weren’t for their safety.
“Did he have it?”
“Indeed. This.” The voice was smug and satisfied. There was no softness or joy in the acquisition.
Emyrs expelled his lungful of air and his shoulders slumped even further. They had already found his small bag with the book tucked into the pocket of his saddlebag. That meant he had no worth to them anymore. The magic book was lost, again.
“I’m going to take this back to the Southern Red Branch. Belthyr, I don’t want to meet this mage again.”
“Yes, Goldie.”
Emyrs felt the first blow,
