Echoes from the Caverns

Echoes from the Caverns

Elf Lore – the Fate of the True Elves, featuring the New Britannia Theater Troupe

November 22, 2020

(Insert music track # 44 – “Medieval Introduction” by Tristan Lohengrin)
Disclaimer: Any character’s resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.  This audio play is a work of fiction and does not reflect real world events. Any opinions expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Avatars Radio or Portalarium.
Due to mature subject matter, parental discretion is advised.
Hope you enjoy the show!
(Insert “Spacecraft Hatch Opening” sound effect) 
MAX (male robotic voice)
Welcome, Serafina…
Max, requesting access to historical records on the true elves in order to prepare for my mission…
Accessing “The History of New Britannia, Vol. 1” by the noted historian, Theodric, as requested…
(Insert music track # 1 – “Epic Adventure” by James Stratton-Crawley. Loop as needed until end of scene.)
A long time ago, in a parallel universe…King Arodon and his daughter Lanthirthel are facing their doom…
(Insert “Starship Rumble 1” sound effect by MiceHead)
(Insert “Rocket Thrusters” sound effect)
The time ship, Tanken-Ka, piloted by its artificial intelligence, Max, races toward a dying planet. It enters orbit and deploys its stellar converter which begins draining energy from the nearby star to provide power for the experimental rift amplifier attached to the ship’s nose.
Meanwhile, down on the dying planet below, a small tribe of slim, highly attractive, fair skinned elves stands huddled together on the edge of a cliff as waves of destruction caused by the Armageddon spell cast by the Avatar destroys the land around them.  The island of Skara Brae is visible a short distance away.
(Insert “Earthquake” sound effect)
Father, the earthquakes have caused a large chasm to form!  There is no way across to the dock on the other side!
King Arodon nods as he speaks into a glowing orb in his right hand.
We are cut off from Skara Brae, Halkon!  Go on without us!  At least, we will die knowing that the other elven tribes and the humans will survive this planet’s destruction…
A glowing mystical dome suddenly surrounds Skara Brae. 
(Insert “Energy Shield” sound effect – by Eevan – first 20-30 seconds only)
It slowly rises from the ocean and then soars off into space.
(Insert “Sci-fi Rocket Launch 01” sound effect – by sandyrb)
 The waves of destruction are visible in the distance, rapidly closing in on the elves’ position!
Hold me, father!
I love you, my darling Lanthirthel!   At least, we will face death together…
Just then, a bright beam of light pierces the clouds and strikes the long dormant lunar rift behind them. 
(Insert “Energy Blast” sound effect by Kinoton)
The lunar rift begins to glow aether blue as it powers up.
(Insert “Portal Continuous Rumble” sound effect by zimbot)
And then, Nystal TimeLord steps through.
Hello, old friend!
KING ARODON (surprised)
Hurry! Salvation lies this way in another universe!
KING ARODON (yelling)
