CBR's B2U Podcast

CBR's B2U Podcast

Latest Episodes

Immigrant Businesses in Charlotte
September 16, 2016

Alexis Gordon, the International Relations Manager and the Chief of Protocol for the City of Charlotte, discusses the services that Charlotte offers for immigrant businesses, specifically the Immigrant Integration Task Force. 

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Entrepreneurship in Charlotte
September 09, 2016

In this episode, we were lucky enough to have two guests: Charles Thomas and Dan Roselli. We discuss why people come to Charlotte, why they stay, and why you should join the entrepreneur community!   

Intellectual Property: What Is It? & How Can We Protect It?
August 22, 2016

Intellectual property. You can’t touch it, you can’t smell it, but it exists, and it’s very important. What is it? And how can we protect it?

Promotions, Discounts & Incentives
August 04, 2016

In this episode, Jim Weiland from SCORE shares a few of his best sales tips for small business owners. 

CRVA & Charlotte Chamber of Commerce: Bringing People, & Business, to Charlotte
May 26, 2016

Tom Murray (CRVA) and Bob Morgan (Chamber) discuss how their organizations work together to bring business to Charlotte, while also addressing the impact HB2 has had on the city. 

Mimi Curlee: I Have A Business Plan...Now What?
May 05, 2016

Last time, we really went over the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Library and all of the resources available, as well as what they can do to help the business owner starting a business plan. But what if you've already started a plan? Mimi Curlee has...
