PODCAST: On Retreat with Bishop Mark Davies

March 13, 2017

Welcome to the next episode in our series, On Retreat, in which we invite guests to reflect on their life and journey of faith. They tell us where their ideal retreat would take place and which piece of spiritual music, Bible Passage and life of the saint they would take with them.
Our pilgrim today is Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury who has chosen to go on retreat to any Catholic church in the world “where I can be close to the tabernacle.” The intention he is bringing with him is to be a faithful priest “in the greatest and fullest sense.”
Bishop Mark Davies is the 11th Bishop of Shrewsbury Diocese. He was raised by devout Catholic parents and was first approached about entering the priesthood when he was only 12 years old. He is renowned for his gentle but outspoken style, especially surrounding gender ideology, traditional marriage and the persecution of Christians.
Bishop Mark Davies’ selections include…
Aid to prayer: Rosary given to his father by Pope Benedict XVI
Life of the saint: St John Vianney
Passage from the Bible: John 15: Chapter 5 (“I am the vine you are the branches.”)
Piece of music: The song of the Guardian Angel from Section II of Elgar’s “Dream of Gerontius” – “My work is done, My task is o’er, And so I come, Taking it home, For the crown is won, Alleluia, For evermore …” and the two remaining verses ending “Alleluia, from earth to heaven.”
