Cat Context Podcast

Cat Context Podcast

Cat Context 90: The Force Awakens Spoilercast

January 13, 2016

NOTE: As indicated in the title, this episode contains spoilers for The Force Awakens. ALL OF THE SPOILERS. Listen at your peril!

This week Ellyndrial, Arolaide, and return guest Corr get real space nerdy about The Force Awakens.

Topics discussed include:

Kylo Ren: yes or no?
Why can't anyone in the galaxy read a space map properly?
Corr hates everything, even really fun things!
Are there any redeeming characteristics of the prequels? (Aro tries to argue yes.)
Star Wars music can be super cool, but not always!
Episode 8 speculation

This podcast is also available in unedited form as a video. Behold:

* Free Music Archive page for our theme, in THE crowd by The Years
