Cash Is Queen: The Podcast for Women Entrepreneurs

Cash Is Queen: The Podcast for Women Entrepreneurs

Latest Episodes

My No-Fail Pricing Strategy
March 24, 2020

I use the same pricing strategy with all my businesses.⁠ When I first start, I don't really have any customers.⁠ No one knows me. And no one wants to book with me. So my prices are low and that brings sales in the door.⁠ As I...

All About Alt Summit
March 19, 2020

A breakdown of my week at the creative conference in Palm Springs, CA. Why I love it, when it's right for you, and when it might not be the best investment.

How to Handle Clients + Contract Issues Right Now
March 18, 2020

It's a crazy time to run a small business. I'm sharing my legal tips on the two contract clauses you need to review, the #1 thing to do if you don't have a contract, how to reach out to your clients, how to issue payment extensions and late fee...

How I Create a Signature Product or Service
March 18, 2020

⁠Here's my strategy for finding a bestseller:⁠ try a lot of products and services.⁠ Play around with the marketing + copy.⁠ Give them a few months.⁠ Keep the bestsellers and drop the rest.⁠ Build it all around...

10 Ways To Improve Your Business at Home
March 17, 2020

Bored? Here's your to-do list for the week: prepare your business for growth! We're talking social media, outsourcing, how to improve products + services, content calendar + blogging, writing + testing email funnels, organizing, and making changes for...

How Your Small Business Can Survive COVID-19
March 16, 2020

A lot of small businesses will be hurt by this. But we can also use this opportunity to build a stronger business. I'm sharing the 8 things I'm doing right now to prepare my business and capitalize on this new opportunity to help my clients....

10 Passive Income Ideas to Add to Your Business
March 10, 2020

I love passive income.⁠ It pays for my rent every month. But to be honest, it takes some time to figure out.⁠ I've tried video workshops, courses, webinars, downloads, templates, etc.⁠ Some worked. Some didn't.⁠ I'm sharing...

10 Revenue Streams to Add to Your Business
March 03, 2020

I love new revenue streams. I want to diversify the ways that my business can make money.⁠ Plus, it allows me to help our customers in a variety of ways. I'm talking about the revenue ideas you can add to your business, how to test them out,...

Our New Business: February Recap
February 28, 2020

We’re building a new business: an online marketing firm. The goal is to hit six figures in revenue this year. As I was brainstorming, I had a crazy idea: What if we walked through every step of this business together so you could see...

How I Find a Brand Theme and Tie it Into Everything I Do
February 11, 2020

Image your brand is a party. What's your theme? Your brand theme is how you know what to write on your website, blog posts, social media captions. It's how you pick a name, colors, fonts, and logo. We're showing you how to find the right theme for...
