Carousel Sniper Victim

Carousel Sniper Victim

Latest Episodes

K-129- The Breakdown
September 05, 2019

Time to breakdown the crazy shenanigans surrounding the sinking of K-129 and Project Azorian... Spoiler alert... We solve nothing. Join us! Want to win a limited edition...

Project Azorian: K-129, Russians and the C.I.A
August 29, 2019

Project Azorian was a U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project to recover the sunken Soviet submarine K-129 from the Pacific Ocean floor in 1974, using the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer. The 1968 sinking of K-129 occurred...

The Papin Sisters- The Breakdown
August 26, 2019

In this ludicrous Breakdown edition, we discuss the Papin Sisters, cases of Folie a deux, Monty Python scenes, a "quick smoke" that lasted over 24 hours, French cafe vibes, we break out in an impromptu button-melodian led sea shanty and more! Stupid,...

The Papin Sisters
August 18, 2019

In the French city of Le Mans, in 1933, the Papin sisters were convicted of a murder so significant that it would shake the bedrock of French society and influence French intellectuals such as- Jean Genet, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Jacques Lacan. These...

Colonial Park
August 08, 2019

Are you ready to brave the perils of Colonial Park? You'll need your map, pen, binoculars, paper, sense of adventure, as well as an ability to not be easily offended by immature behaviour, drunken park rangers, culturally inappropriate accents... and...

Carousel Interview Victim- Hugh Brown| Documentary Photographer
August 05, 2019

Hugh Brown risks his life to document the men, women and children who mine precious minerals by hand in brutal conditions. He's encountered crocodiles, braved the "mountain that eats men" and documented over 30 countries — and he isn't done yet....

Rod Ansell- The Breakdown
July 29, 2019

A Crocodile Dundee quiz, a stupid amount of shout outs in spoken word rap style, a quick Breakdown of the life of Rod Ansell... All whilst we struggle to keep up with the grinding monotony and time constraints of modern life... Sounds like a regular...

Rod Ansell- The Real Crocodile Dundee
July 22, 2019

A decade before the Hollywood sensation of Crocodile Dundee exported the Australian Outback to the rest of the world, Rod Ansell grabbed headlines in his home country by surviving a 56-day ordeal in the harsh, outback Australian bush. What followed...

Quecreek Mine- The Breakdown
July 08, 2019

Will Jack and his lover be able to make it out of Quecreek mine alive? Can he handle all the pressure of a disaster on his first day at work? Do we know how an atlas works? All this and more in this "Choose Your Own Adventure" style breakdown. ...

Disaster At Quecreek Mine
July 04, 2019

On June 22, 2002, eighteen coal miners at the Quecreek Mine in Lincoln Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, owned by Black Wolf Coal Company accidentally dug into the abandoned, poorly documented Saxman Coal Mine, flooding the room and pillar mine...
