The Carmen Murray Show

The Carmen Murray Show

Latest Episodes

Straight talk on Social Media | Dylan Kohlstadt (Shift ONE | CEO)
August 23, 2019

Dylan Kohlstadt unpacks the state of social trends in South Africa

Woman of Steel | Matt Brown (The Matt Brown Show | Host)
August 17, 2019

My guest appearance on Matt Brown's YouTube chanel

The Good Things Guy gets naked | Brent Lindeque (The Good Things Guy)
August 07, 2019

Behind the good stories of South Africa with Brent Lindeque

#WellnessFit: It’s hot Pop’em Pills? Really? | Tarryn Pickup (Non-medical Hypnotherapist and SleepTalk® Consultant)
June 25, 2019

Beat hypercompetitiveness and performance with drugs, but at what cost?
