The Carmen Murray Show

The Carmen Murray Show

Emotional DJ — Reinvent yourself and become a masterpiece of resilience | Arnaud Collery (French Actor, Comedian, Filmmaker, renowned TEDx Speaker, Happiness Coach and founder of Stand up for Passion)

May 25, 2020

Emotional DJ — Reinvent yourself and become a masterpiece of resilience — Smoke the hell out of your authentic self and let your re-invention begin
Arnaud Collery (French Actor, Comedian, Filmmaker, renowned TEDx Speaker, Happiness Coach and founder of Stand up for Passion)

Guest: Arnaud Collery French Actor, Entertainer, MC, Comedian, Filmmaker, Entrepreneur, and Innovator now finds himself playing an instrumental role as a Happiness coach, Emotional DJ, and Storyteller. His focus is working on creativity and happiness related projects with companies and families and he created Stand Up for Passion aligned with his mission to make the world a more purpose-driven and meaningful place.

In this episode:
Carmen Murray chats to Arnaud Collery about his renowned TedxTalk: ""Share your story before you die"" and the significance of storytelling and how people remember a story 22 times more than a fact. They talk about the reality of authenticity and how ""sanitised"" people and brands suffer the consequences of not leading an authentic life that leads to depression, anxiety, and addiction, to name a few. They talk about the importance of boundaries, protecting your happiness, and how to embrace the unknown.

They also address the elephant in the room, Covid-19. This pandemic is not only infecting human beings but infecting societies and mindsets. The mental trauma and fear faced by all those left behind. The truth of the matter is we have a backdrop of increasingly anxious, unhappy, and lonely people. They look back at the Renaissance era, the black death, and what we can learn from this time to inspire people today and how you can be a masterpiece of resilience and reinvent yourself. We also get a good dose of ""Arnaud Happiness"" injected in a light-hearted conversation between two strangers connecting from two different continents that will leave you inspired and excited about the new world waiting for us.

About your host:
Carmen Murray, The original CyberPunk, (CEO of Boo-Yah! Modern Marketing Services are better known as The Leonardo da Vincis of Marketing). She is also the representative of The Connected Marketer- in Africa, IAB Black Pixel Winner - Digital 2019, and nominated as one of the top women in tech- Africa-Meltwater.

You can also enjoy more content with Carmen Murray as co-host with John Vlismas, on The IN with the TWO Outsiders podcast find on any channel of choice.

More about Arnaud Collery
Tell your story before you die
Stand up for passion

If you wish to book Carmen Murray as your MC or Speaker for your next event, have any questions or wish to appear on The Carmen Murray Show, you can contact her directly
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