Unsigned WA

Unsigned WA

Latest Episodes

Canary Radio WA – Episode #42 – Zak Fleisher & Choking Stanley
October 27, 2016

As we round up to the end of October, I start to wonder where the hell this year has gone. This is the 3rd last episode for the year, as we’ll be wrapping up at the end of November. We’ll still be active, so watch the facebook page,

Canary Radio WA – Episode #41 – Shanks Pony & Big Girl’s Blouse
October 13, 2016

And we’re back with another killer show. But firstly, how is everyone? Hope you’re all well. Looking forward to the weekend no doubt. I heard it’s going to be raining this weekend, which sucks. Good weather during the week,

#40 – Big Girl’s Blouse, Mista Murphy & Priority One (Flashback Episode 2)
September 30, 2016

Well we’re back with another Flashback Episode and we’ve gone right back and dug up some killer tracks for you. In this episode we’ve got tracks from Big Girl’s Blouse, Mista Murphy and Priority One. I like doing these flashback episodes,

#39 – Mel Kay & Archer & Light
September 15, 2016

Hey guys, how are ya? Seriously, how are ya? Let us know on facebook

#38 – Kilmister, Western Kinsmen of the Sun & Young Robin
September 02, 2016

Can you believe it’s September already? Seriously, where has this year gone? Feels like only yesterday we were in April. Well then, we better get onto the latest episode. In this show we’ve got some killer tracks from Western Kinsmen of the Sun,

#37 – Killing The Riff, Catwalk & Speedball Social League
August 18, 2016

Whaaat??!? 3 Songs?? That’s right folks, this episode is jam packed with great WA artists. We’ve got tracks from all new bands to the show which is fantastic, keep those tracks coming in. In this episode you’ll be hearing from Killing The Riff,

#36 – Nat Ripepi & St Music
August 04, 2016


#35 – Shanks Pony & Stop The Georgians
July 21, 2016

And we’re back with another stellar show, with some stellar acts. How many times do you think I can throw the word “Stellar” on this post? This week we’ve got some brand new tracks from Stop The Georgians and Shanks Pony so get into it.

#34 – Echelon & Falloway
July 14, 2016

Happy Friday y’all, and welcome to another brand new episode of Canary Radio. This week we’ve got a new track from Echelon and the new single from new band to the show, Falloway. So stop playing Pokemon GO for just a second,

#33 – Rag n’ Bone & Ari Davis
June 30, 2016

What an epic show we have for you this fine Friday. 1st of July, can you believe it? We’ve just clicked over the first half of the year. Before you know it, it will be Christmas. Anyway, to kick off the new financial year, let’s get some tunes in.
