Unsigned WA

Unsigned WA

Latest Episodes

Canary Radio WA – Episode #62 – The Plastic Attraction, Yalla Yalla, Ben Catley
October 05, 2017

Another whopper of a show for you this fortnight. 3 more rockin' songs from more independent artists. Plus our Feature Artist, Yalla Yalla, calls in for a bit of a Skype interview to talk about how they got started,

Canary Radio WA – Episode #61 – Nu Heights, Yalla Yalla, Good Doogs
September 21, 2017

Howdy friends, hope you're all staying dry in this wild Perth weather. Eastern States, hope you're staying cool. The rest of the world, hope you're staying *insert appropriate weather reference here* ;) There that's everyone covered I think. -

Canary Radio WA – Episode #60 – Suraj, The Diments, Yalla Yalla
September 07, 2017

Episode 60!! New Feature Artist!! A new interview! Sweet tunes! It's all happening in this episode I tell ya. Strap yourselves in for a wild ride, this episode is well worth listening to. Not that the other episodes weren't worth it,

Canary Radio WA – Episode #59 – Lions and Lambs, Manhattans Wake
August 24, 2017

Hey hey, how are we all? We're back at it again this fortnight with some more of WA's best independent and unsigned artists. - Going a bit heavier this time, got some punk and some metal for your ears, so don't plan on listening to this whilst trying ...

Canary Radio WA – Episode #58 – Sydnee Carter, Big Girl’s Blouse, IAMSWIM
August 10, 2017

Strap yourselves in folks, this show is a monster. 3 stellar tracks, an interview with the boys from Big Girl's Blouse, oh and some quality banter from your friendly neighbourhood podcast hosts. What more could you want on a Friday? -

Canary Radio WA – Episode #57 – Olive, Big Girl’s Blouse & The Space Between
July 27, 2017

Hey Hey, another weekend is upon us, well nearly if you’re listening to this on the Friday when the show comes out. We’ve got some more cracking local tunes for your ears. We’ve got a new artist to the show,

Canary Radio WA – Episode #56 – Pink Goldfish, Big Girl’s Blouse & I and The Village
July 14, 2017

What up July? How is everyone? Here we are cranking into the second half of the year with 3 killer tunes from more independent muso’s. Western Australia you fine thing, you have some talent within you. Oh, and did I mention that we’re onto our next Fea...

Canary Radio WA – Episode #55 – Kabella & Kings and Queens
June 30, 2017

Can everyone say “Solo Show”, that’s it, cos it’s just me this week. Brad’s out doing adult stuff, so I’m left to hold the fort. But that’s OK, cos we have some more catchy tunes to get us through. Not long now until we announce our feature artist for ...

Canary Radio WA – Episode #54 – The Space Between & Muranji and Kufre
June 15, 2017

In this fortnight’s show,  we’ve switched it up a bit. Bit of rock and some hip hop. But hey, variety is the spice of life isn’t it? Both very good songs let me tell you. We’re powering along through this month already. It’s nearly tax time.

Canary Radio WA – Episode #53 – Sydnee Carter & Tim Howells
June 09, 2017

Can you seriously believe we’re at the half way point of the year? Canary Radio WA is back again this week with some more local music that you’re going to love. Perth seriously has some killer unsigned and independent talent. Keep it coming in.
