Campfire Radio Theater

Campfire Radio Theater

Intensive Care

July 15, 2018

Alex wakes in a run-down New England hospital with foggy memories of a car accident and his missing girlfriend, Elizabeth. And – was that a scream in the distance? Unable to decipher mind-bending delusions from reality, Alex soon realizes that his condition is much more critical than he first believed.
Production Team:Matthew J Boudreau, Samantha Mason, and Frederick Greenhalgh
Written by James Comtois
Cast:* Nat Angstrom – Alex* Bernie Horowitz – Mrs. Lee* PG Lorusso – Mr. Bradley* Kristina Balbo – Elizabeth* Dave Marshall – Doctor* Hannah Kramer – Nurse 1* Janice Gardner – Nurse 2* Ashley Brooks – Nurse 3
The Dark Tome
The Cleansed
Aural Stage Studios
