Calvary Hanford Midweek Audio Podcast

Calvary Hanford Midweek Audio Podcast

Latest Episodes

Genesis 15:1-21 – A Star On God’s Walk Of Faith
December 22, 2021

Abraham’s conversation with God about the course of his life leads to one of the great covenants of the Bible. (Gene Pensiero Jr)

Genesis 14:17-24 – The Mysterious Melchizedek Society
December 15, 2021

Abraham returns from his rescue of Lot and encounters two kings: Bera of Sodom and Melchizedek of Salem, to whom Abraham gives a tithe of all. (Gene Pensiero Jr)

Genesis 14:1-16 – Brothers In Arms
December 08, 2021

Lot is swept away in Chedorlaomer’s military campaign so Abraham, along with three Amorite brothers, go on a rescue mission. (Gene Pensiero Jr)

Genesis 13:1-18 – Home Is Where The Lord Is
December 01, 2021

Abraham and Lot have to decide what’s next in life and where they will live. Each has a different mindset, leading to very different outcomes. (Gene Pensiero Jr)

Genesis 12:10-20 – Movin’ On Down
November 17, 2021

Abraham moves down to Egypt in an attempt to escape a famine but ends up causing much more trouble for himself and his family. (Gene Pensiero Jr)

Genesis 11:27-12:9 – Father Abraham Hadn’t Any Sons
November 10, 2021

We begin the story of Abraham, the friend of God, the father of the faith, who had a bit of a rough start in his walk with the Lord. (Gene Pensiero Jr)

Genesis 11:1-26 – The Awful Tower
November 03, 2021

The people of Babylon join in unified rebellion against God to build a city in an effort to make an immortal name for themselves. (Gene Pensiero Jr)

Genesis 10:1-32 – 70 Kids And Counting
October 20, 2021

In the Table of Nations we learn about the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth and how they spread out to fill the earth. Along the way, we meet a shady character named Nimrod. (Gene Pensiero Jr)

Genesis 9:18-29 – It Was The Worst Of Vines
October 13, 2021

Noah plants a vineyard and becomes drunk, being seen by his son, Ham and leading to a great rift in their family and a long-lasting prophecy. (Gene Pensiero Jr)

Genesis 9:1-17 – Rainbow: Cursed Blood
October 06, 2021

The flood survivors leave the ark and God explains to them the features and responsibilities that await them in their new world, including the eating of meat and their obligation to enforce capital pu
