C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

What’s Your Mark? - Week 16: Three Responses to Jesus

April 13, 2014

Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. Despite the opposition against Him, Jesus continued to reach out to people, heal them, and cast out demons. No one refuted His miracles. There was no way for them to do that. Jesus healed their sick; the Greek word used is in this passage is only used five times and means “scourging”. It is a reference to Isaiah 53, “He was whipped (scourged) so we could be healed” (scourged inserted for emphasis). Demons ran in fear of Him for they knew who He was and what He meant. Their time was up if He was here. There was nothing Jesus could not fix, and there was no one who could stand against Him. It was true then; it remains true now.

For more on the miracles and power of Jesus, check out whatsyourmark.org.
